How to create Windows 8 Start Button without wasting any memory?

How to create Windows 8 Start Button without wasting any memory?

If you want to create Windows 8 Start Button without wasting any memory, go through the tutorial below.

Removal of the Start button from the Taskbar of Windows 8 is no doubt a huge mistake. But you can make your very own Start button without wasting any memory at all.

By clicking on this Start button you will open the Metro Start screen.

Follow these steps to create your own Windows 8 Start Button with Zero Memory Usage.

Follow this to create your own Windows 8 Start Button

1. At first you need to download AutoHotkey from here and install it.

2. Now create a new script. Right-click-> New –> AutoHotkey Script.

3. Once you’ve done that, edit the script and at the end of the script Paste the following code :

Send, {LWin down}{LWin up}

And Save the script.

4. Now Right-click on the script and select the Compile Script option. It will create an executable file.

5. Now Right-click on the .exe file and select Create Shortcut option.

6. Right-click on the Shortcut file and select Properties.

7. Click on Change icon option and browse to C:\Windows\System32\imageres.dll. Choose an icon from there. You can also use any other icon including one that you’ve downloaded or created. You just need to go to the path and have to select your desired icon. Then press OK.

8. Now you need to just drag the shortcut file into the left most position of the Taskbar.

You are done. These are the steps to create your own Windows 8 Start Button and the best thing is that, it will not waste any memory.
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