Create Shutdown, Log off and Reboot buttons on Start Screen in Win 8

Create Shutdown, Log off and Reboot buttons on Start Screen in Win 8

Are you looking for a quick way to shut down, log off or reboot your windows 8 system then the below script helps you.

All you have to do is save the below code in notepad with .vbs extension ex- create.vbs and then run this file.

set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
strStartMenu = WshShell.SpecialFolders("StartMenu")
set oShellLink = WshShell.CreateShortcut(strStartMenu & "Shutdown.lnk")
oShellLink.TargetPath = "%systemroot%System32shutdown.exe"
oShellLink.Arguments = "-s -t 0"
oShellLink.WindowStyle = 1
oShellLink.IconLocation = "%systemroot%System32shell32.dll,27"
oShellLink.Description = "Shutdown Computer (Power Off)"
oShellLink.WorkingDirectory = "%systemroot%System32"
Set oShellLink = Nothing
set oShellLink = WshShell.CreateShortcut(strStartMenu & "Log Off.lnk")
oShellLink.TargetPath = "%systemroot%System32shutdown.exe"
oShellLink.Arguments = "-l"
oShellLink.WindowStyle = 1
oShellLink.IconLocation = "%systemroot%System32shell32.dll,44"
oShellLink.Description = "Log Off (Switch User)"
oShellLink.WorkingDirectory = "%systemroot%System32"
Set oShellLink = Nothing
set oShellLink = WshShell.CreateShortcut(strStartMenu & "Restart.lnk")
oShellLink.TargetPath = "%systemroot%System32shutdown.exe"
oShellLink.Arguments = "-r -t 0"
oShellLink.WindowStyle = 1
oShellLink.IconLocation = "%systemroot%System32shell32.dll,176"
oShellLink.Description = "Restart Computer (Reboot)"
oShellLink.WorkingDirectory = "%systemroot%System32"
Set oShellLink = Nothing
Wscript.Echo "Shutdown, Restart and Log Off buttons have been created. You can now pin them to the Start Screen of your Windows 8 computer (if they are not already there)."

 If in future you want to remove shutdown, log off and reboot buttons from start screen then right click on any of them and click on Unpin from Start.
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